Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Publication

Dear Mr. Salinger,
     We are pleased to inform you that we would like to publish your short story, “The Young Folks,” in Story magazine. Upon your acceptance, we will pay $25 for first North American publishing rights. Your story will appear in the issue to be released February 16, 1940. Please notify us of your acceptance or refusal. If you accept, please be so kind as to include a brief biography for the contributors’ notes.

Whit Burnett

Dear Mr. Burnett,
      Wow, you really meant it! It is an honor to have my story published in your magazine. Here is my biography for the contributors’ notes:
J.D. Salinger, who is twenty-one years old, was born in New York. He attended public grammar schools, one military academy, and three colleges, and has spent one year in Europe. He is particularly interested in playwriting.

Jerome David Salinger

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