Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Salinger at Columbia University (1938)

Professor Whit Burnett: Mr. Salinger, I’ve called you into my office, because I don’t understand why you’re here.

Salinger: What do you mean?

Whit: You’ve signed up for my class, and I understand it’s not for credit, but I feel like you’re wasting my time and yours.You don’t take notes during class. You don’t even appear to be listening. All you do is stare out the window. Why are you here?

Salinger: I want to- no I need to – learn to write.

Whit: Then you must try harder. You must make an effort.

Salinger: I’m sorry. I know I appear lazy and shut-off but I’m not. I have these…psychological issues. I don’t even understand them. But I, I want to write

Whit: You do have potential, you know, based on what I’ve read. If you would just commit yourself, you could make it in this business. Start applying yourself. Submit something to my literary magazine. It's a start. We’ll go from there.

Salinger: I will, Sir. Thank you

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